She is so scared of bugs! She just doesn't like them. I remember one time when we were little kids. We were playing outside and she accidentally fell and got stuck in a hole! I was really mad at her for something she did earlier, so I wanted her to stay down there for a while. But I remembered her fear! So I did everything I could to get her out of there so no bugs would get her! I can't even remember what I was mad at her about.
I think that's true love. Even when you are mad at someone, you will still do what you can to protect the person you love. You might be angry or disappointed with them, but that won't prevent you from caring about them!
You do know we don't deserve the rain, right? We don't deserve the sun, either! We as people sin so much against God, but He still loves us. He still gives us rain, sunshine, food, water, and everything we need to live; despite our sin. It says so in the Bible in Matthew Chapter 5 Verses 43-48.
God shows mercy to us, so make sure to show mercy to others!